Brush Boarding

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Rider Satisfaction

Rider Satisfaction Have you tried a water, wave simulator? How satisfied were you with the length of time you had riding ? Was your experience dampened by consistently falling off after a few seconds only to join the back of … more…


A fully assembled plug and play BrushBoarding wave attraction is an ideal addition to any leisure industry facility. With majority of Leisure facilities being located in industrial factories, purpose-built buildings or open-air parks where access is not an issue, this … more…

Group Bookings anyone?

As the world starts to come out of the Covid 19 pandemic Group Booking for attractions within the Leisure industry might be the safest and most profitable for FEC’s and interactive parks.

BrushBoarding with a group of visually impaired children

Niall Williamson Exeter Blind school

Let’s put it into perspective: from 3 year old to mid 70, professional athletes to people who never exercise, full able people to less able people, BrushBoarding can give any rider the sense of achievement in a safe, controlled environment.   … more…

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